A Covid Update

As a parish, we are heartened that the Federal District Court and the Supreme Court of the United States have both upheld that city and state governments can have no Influence on how we worship. This is a very important part of our constitutional republic, and indeed goes to the heart of the Anglo-Catholic movement from its beginning. That said, we will balance the needs and concerns of the congregation with our desire to return to the fullness of our rich traditional Mass.

First and foremost, if you are sick, stay home! There are streaming options available so you may hear the Word and sermon from Saint Matthew's Church: https://stmatthewsnewport.com/coronavirus/
We are considering streaming options for our own Parish as well.

Second, if you are at a high risk, take all reasonable precautions. You might consider the Low Mass, which has lower attendance, or perhaps a mid-week Mass for even lower attendance and more space. Masses are said daily, so there are plenty of opportunities to attend Mass. It is true that we have an obligation to attend Sunday Mass as well as certain Holy Days, but the overriding factor is your health and comfort!

Third, for the near future we will continue offering the Blessed Sacrament through intinction or in one element only. We have altered our actions at the altar so that no lips touch the Chalice until the ablutions following the Mass. This is for the comfort of the congregation only - there has been no evidence that a common Chalice will spread infection (indeed, the high alcohol content of the wine and the precious metals of the chalice provide protection), and certainly if that were an issue you would find Priests getting ill or worse at a high rate during previous endemics, and that just isn't the case. When we do return to the common Chalice one will still have the option to receive in one kind only (the Host) or by intinction.

Fourth, we will restore blessings at the Altar for travelers, those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, and those wishing prayer for illness or injury. If you do not wish to be anointed with oil just cross your arms and the Priest will administer a "socially distanced" blessing.

Last, we will begin restoring Hymns to the 9:30am Sunday Mass. 

Let us continue in prayer for those afflicted by the virus, for those adversely affected financially, medically, and emotionally by the shut-downs, and that our leaders find a reasonable solution soon!



Whither social media?


Everything that is Good and Pure