Praying the Daily Office

Morning and Evening prayer are a part of our spiritual disciplines, but figure out the prayer book can be extremely confusing when you are new to it. Flipping this way and that way, knowing what part of the Christian calendar we are in…there are so many things! In the following videos, Deacon Ryan seeks to help clarify how. The first video is a basic, but thorough instructional video on how to understand what the book is requiring of you. The second video provides a visual example of what it looks like once you’ve gotten it down. However, you can do the daily office from anywhere!

Scripture, Tradition, Reason

Our Archbishop, The Most Reverend Mark Haverland, in Anglican Catholic Faith and Practice, provides a succinct, yet thorough, introduction to orthodox Anglican belief. Along the way, Archbishop Haverland covers topics such as Authority in the Church, the Bible, Church History, the Sacraments and Worship, and Christian Moral Teaching. This updated version includes new material that addresses other subjects such as the Thirty Nine Articles, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and issues such as medical ethics. Click here to purchase it

These three guide our faith.

Click here for a link to the 1928 Book of Common Prayer online.

Click here for a link to buy a hardcopy of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.

Click here to buy some expensive, but highly recommended Bibles.