No, it’s not an act of love

A pastor in the Presbyterian Church USA was recently featured in a Life News article ( She preached while wearing a stole that held no Christian symbolism, but the logo of Planned Parenthood.

From a catholic and orthodox perspective, her heretical error is easy to see. Love, as exemplified in our Lord’s ministry and redeeming action, is sacrificial. It considers the needs and the good of the loved, not of the self.

Our response to abortion, and specifically to those who have had abortions, must be a response of compassion. Abortion regret is a real thing - there are many who felt pressured or coerced into an abortion. There are others who are strident in their support for abortion, perhaps from a fear of admitting they may have been wrong. In either case, we must have compassion while standing strongly against the practice.

As many of you know, my daughters were birthed by mothers who risked a lot - social and familial pressures, governmental pressures, even the threat of forced abortion - to give birth to these blessed children. Their birth mothers broke the law by making sure they were left so that they could live, be found and, God willing, find homes.

There are always options. There are a very small percentage of abortions performed when the mother’s life is at stake. Most are a matter of convenience. We must continue to pray that hearts and minds are changed so that these children have a chance at life. We should act within our political system to reform adoption laws to make it easier for good parents to adopt.


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Come, Holy Ghost