Roe v. Wade

On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the United States Supreme Court struck down the Roe v. Wade decision that has existed for nearly fifty years. Roe was a poor decision, comparable I think to the Dred Scott decision. It is a good thing that the original text of the Constitution has been restored in this way.

That said, while it will allow the voters of the States to make their own decisions, I fear it will be a number of years before we see any positive movement in the State of Colorado. Colorado was a pro-abortion state before Roe.

As Catholics, we are committed to protect the most vulnerable among us. Organizations that provide alternatives to abortion still need our support. Another area we can focus on is making it easier for couples to adopt children, providing women with a viable alternative to abortion.

Please continue to pray that hearts be turned, and that the violent rhetoric of some in our political sphere may be ignored. Pray for the churches and pro-life organizations that have experienced of have been threatened with violent acts.


Our Lady of Walsingham


Lenten Observances