Special Events

at St. Mary’s

  • Mass for the Reunion of Christendom, May 4

    We will celebrate a Joint Mass with Saint James Anglican Church (APCK) and with our Diocesan Missionsl Communty in the Boulder area.

    The Mass is for the reunification of Christian Churches throught the world - and what better place to start than with the Anglican Continuum?

    Mass wil be at 5pm, followed by fellowship and a meal. Please join us!

  • Mass for the Reunion of Christendom, May 18

    We will celebrate a Joint Mass with Saint James Anglican Church (APCK) and with our Diocesan Missionsl Communty in the Boulder area.

    The Mass is for the reunification of Christian Churches throught the world - and what better place to start than with the Anglican Continuum?

    Mass wil be at 5pm, followed by fellowship and a meal. Please join us!