Who We Are
Our mission is to offer a genuine encounter with Christ to the city of Denver by uniting religion and relationship in our life of prayer together.
We strive to put the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the center of what we do here, using the Anglo-Catholic tradition as a means to bring our whole selves into a loving relationship with him as our Lord and Savior. Anglicanism offers us a system for bringing every aspect of our lives into this relationship, sanctifying our space through beauty, our time through the Kalendar, and our lives of prayer through order. What the Anglican tradition offers us is a structured, Gospel-driven approach to the Christian life: Bible reading; a prayer life balanced in adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication; and a communal life where fellowship follows an ancient cycle of feasting and fasting. In all things, we seek the love of Christ first.
Our life in the Church is sacramental, which means that we seek to bring our whole selves, body and soul, into communion with God. This means that we encounter him both in the Word and in the Eucharist, believing that he is really present in both, in order to meet us in our humanity through his own taking on of our human nature. We understand the Sacraments as God-given graces.
We are a parish of the Anglican Catholic Church, a worldwide jurisdiction of Anglicans seeking to uphold traditional worship and morality in our contemporary culture. For more about Anglican Catholicism, visit https://anglicancatholic.org